



  Dad: “How were the exam questions?”
  Eva: “Easy. But the answers were tough.”

  Joe: I lost my dog.
  May: Why don’t you put an ad in the newspaper?
  Joe: It’s ridiculous. He can’t read.

  Ballet student: Why do all the students here dance on their tiptoes?
  Teacher: That’s how we dance here.
  Ballet student: Why don’t you get taller students?

  Alfred: Why do witches ride brooms?
  Angela: Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy to fly.

  Mrs. Lee: How many years have you been married?
  Mrs. Lin: More than ten years.
  Mrs. Lee: You must have many things in common, then.
  Mrs. Lin: Only one. That is, we got married on the same day.




  作者手持教鞭之餘,一直勤於翻譯、編著和創作各類書籍,已出版作品共五十餘冊,包括《讀英文  看人生》、《一生能有幾次選擇》、《心中的信用卡》、《課堂外的第一名》、《最後的一堂課》等。在本社出版有《不要NG  只要ING》以及《中學生了沒?──英文腦筋急轉彎》。


Part I 童言童語
On and off TV
Knitting sheep
Waiting for the film to come
Killing the Dead Sea
Thicker than water
Writing so slowly
Forgetting to shake
Swimming since four
Having to come down anyway
Too heavy to fly
Stopping the merry-go-round
Free lighting
Losing the glasses
Not able to add
Not imagining
Deep or shallow
Going blind in begging
A dirty joke
Telling the future with cards
No horse to sing
Jumping to be killed
Never getting on with anybody
The face in the same place
The dentist and the tooth
The letter not saying anything
Saying the password first
First day of school
Beauty and Lucky
Something in my mouth
Falling off a ladder
A tail without a body
Too small to jump higher
The dog not able to read
Seeing through walls
The dog scratching
Drawing the heaven
A marshmallow and a pillow
Speaking German
The freezing candle and words
Having no teeth
The same birthday every year
To scare the ghosts away
How to get to the other side
Answering the iron
A plain clothes police dog
Forgetting his name
The principal’s daughter
Stripe and Spot
A ten-to-zero game
Smart gum
Pushing the bell with your elbow

Part II 爸媽冏很大
My dirty shoes
Too dark to see the light
The wrong feet
The tough answers
Having teeth in the pocket
Never wearing alligator shoes
Wearing glasses when sleeping
Giving your fish fresh water
The broken watch
To know how I look when sleeping
A new penny and an old nickel
Happened before I was born
A father's gray hair
Green cheeks
A whole plate of money
Wrong number
The report card
A selfish boy
Not able to read
Writing more clearly
Signing with eyes closed
Triplets and twins
Worries being over
Spring, Summer, Fall and John
God using the bathroom
Looking like a monkey
Five thousand for a movie
The most beautiful mother
Watering the flowers in the rain
Doing arithmetic with apples
Punishing your son
To marry Grandma
Promising to be good
The teacher not making up his mind
Using your brains to raise money
Taking a bath in a saucer

Part III 麻辣師生
Hitting Mary with a basketball
Never walking in late
Apples from a peach tree
Essays from twin brothers
President’s death
A zero on the test
Things that contain milk
The sad system
London Bridge falling down
Perching on the hyphen
Playing basketball and testing
Taiwan on page ten
The easy and the hard ones
Big hands or small apples
Lincoln’s third birthday
Dancing on tiptoes
Mad for something I didn't do
Ten times, ten answers
The game called off
Rain or shine
Ohio or Mississippi
Doing as the sign says
Doing something wrong and lying

Part IV 驚世夫妻
Close relatives of a devil
Cooking or not cooking
Shutting all the doors
The world’s worst cook
A pig in the bedroom
My wife and an angel
His neck blowing gum
Married on the same day
A cough and a new dress
My ex-wife and my boss
The head through a button-hole

Part V 顧客愛說笑
To punish the bee
A refill first
A fly and a spider
Too young to die
A chicken pizza and a hot dog
The fly liking winter sports
Almost everything on the menu
Any soup on the menu
The dog and the ticket
Weak milk
Changing the tablecloth
Not your train
A monster and the soup
Eight or twelve pieces
Life-size enlargements
The two-dollar model car
No your own food
More terrible food
A ham sandwich without ham
Shaving my hair
To check the scales
Another helping for free

Part VI 醫生與病人
Not overweight, but too short
Not to stand inside the mouth
Quickest cure for double vision
Kissing the bride
The Math book and headache
Standing on your head
First operation
Connecting spots before one’s eyes
Half dead
Driving other patients away
Madness cured
Avoiding dampness
A frog and a tadpole
My wife and canaries
The light in the refrigerator
Not allowed on the couch
A problem with eyesight
Robins and worms
A psychiatrist telling his troubles
Your hereditary illness
Making an appointment
Waiting to lay an egg
Seven days to live
Not having to repeat it
Good news and bad news
Loosening a tooth
Shaking the car
Needing more iron.

Part VII 五花八門
Robbing banks
The ball and the net
An antique collector
A taxi or a dog
Slow poison
In jail for being romantic
Honking at a post
When to pay the rent
Climbing up the beam
A short circuit
A kangaroo and her baby
A snail and a turtle
Singing a lullaby
Breaking a leg
A snake biting its tongue
Sitting in each other’s shadow
Milking a tractor
Growing spaghetti
Shopping at three in the morning
The worst memory
Because of the weather
A cow and a horse
A talkative dog
In jail for feeding pigeons
25 years and 100 months
A sheep learning a foreign language
A baby coming from a hat
An explorer and a lion
Looking at the sky
Texans and Alaskans
Throwing and catching watches 
A centipede putting on shoes



  • ISBN:9789865893248
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 240頁 / 16k菊 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> > >



... 「哪有人一輩子不結婚的?你說話怪得很。」這句話我不知道聽了好多次了,有時候是從我朋友那裡,有時候是從我雙親那裡。 不結婚就等同於怪嗎?我只是想要一段有真摯感情的婚姻而已,這都不行嗎? 上學的時候學校、家長不允許談戀愛,出來參加工作的時候家長卻希望你快點結婚。然而我想問的是,沒有時間沉澱的感情如何過一輩子。 ... 我看過很多別人的感情,也明白很多感情的道理,我也在等待愛情,所以我想因為感情而結婚,而不是因為到了結婚的年齡就結婚了。如果只是因為到了該結婚的年齡而去相親,然後結婚,那麼這樣的婚姻對我來說就形同虛設,我也沒有必要花費時間去維護它。 我有一位朋友母胎單身,畢業工作兩年就被家裡催婚。那時候她也和家裡人說過自己不想結婚,想自己一個人生活,但是我朋友的雙親認為我朋友是在無理取鬧,所以一直強迫她相親。 我朋友拗不過自己的家人,最終回了老家,和一個自己父母覺得不錯的人結婚了。去年6月份的時候我因為工作原因回了趟老家,然後約她出來見了一面。 說實話,我見到她的時候很驚訝,我都有點認不出她了。在我的印象中她是一個非常執著於自己外形的人,是一個很精緻、有理想的女強人。但是那一次當我再次見到她的時候,我發現,那個精緻、有夢想的女孩子消失了,她變成了一個她曾經發誓不願成為的家庭婦女。 ... 我記得她發誓的時候我還調侃了她,說有家庭、有工作、有兒女、有丈夫,這樣的生活不是很好嘛。但是那次我看見她的時候,我突然想明白了,其實我和她都錯了。 她錯在蔑視家庭婦女這個角色,我錯在沒預估結婚後「家庭」這個環境。 兒女可愛、丈夫疼愛並尊重、公婆明理,處在這樣的家庭環境中才是令人羨慕的家庭婦女,而不是被公婆、丈夫當傭人用的家庭婦女。 婚姻確實是人生中的重要組成部分,但是這並不是被催婚的理由。如果兩人心意相通,且願意將彼此視為自己此生最珍貴的寶藏,那婚姻自然是順理成章的事情。因為在這層關係中是彼此的感情在助力,他們渴望重新擁有一段新的關係,他們也做好了共同承擔家庭責任的準備。 當一段感情水到渠成的時候,婚姻才會出現,所以我希望大家明白,婚姻不是人生的必然,有感情的婚姻才是。 素材來源/網友投稿 文案編輯/逐陸先生














信義鄉瞳孔擴張或收縮治療有效中醫診所 福興小兒過動看什麼科 治療有成效的彰化中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多埔鹽心臟無力感中醫推薦 溪湖下背酸痛中醫推薦 這間南投中醫診所很大推,睡眠障礙改善很多芳苑頸部緊繃酸痛改善中醫診所 和美失眠看什麼科 很多人都在這南投中醫診所看好的,自律神經失調改善很多竹塘壓力大治療有效中醫診所 鹿港耳鳴治療有效中醫診所 最推薦的南投中醫診所,自律神經失調改善很多


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